Did You Know?

January 2005 Heart

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1.   Editorial
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Thank you to all the readers who take the time to read the articles and to contact me. The newsletter is technically inept, has no flashy links, nothing to purchase and no ulterior motive for its existence. I just want to share my wonder of the world    All readers are very much appreciated.

The heart is a container for good and bad feelings, for joy and for sadness. The Tsunami has left so many with a broken heart, they have lost brothers, sisters, children, wives, husbands, grandparents, extended family members, neighbours and friends. Many have lost homes, possessions, boats, incomes and farm land.

My heart goes out to them and with sympathy and respect, this month’s article in on the heart.

I look forward to receiving your suggestions for subjects to research. Tell me what amazes you.

Feature Article  The Heart
1The Human Heart is fully developed about eight weeks after conception, when the embryo is only about 1" (2.5 cms long. The heart begins to beat even earlier--four weeks after conception, when it is just a simple tube. 

  How many of you knew that? 

  Your heart is about the size of your fist.The human heart beats 60 – 100 times a minute. That is about  35 million times in a year. During an average lifetime, your heart   will pump about 1 million barrels of blood . (Enough to fill more than 3 super tankers.)  When you are calm it circulates 5 to 6 litres of blood around the body per minute and about 13 litres during vigorous exercise.

A Tireless, Powerful Muscle.
The heart performs enough work  in one hour to lift 3,000 pounds (1,400 kilograms)--roughly the weight of a small car--about 1 foot (30 centimeters)
off the ground

There are four chambers to the heart and the blood flows in a  figure of eight pattern.  Trivia question?  What do we have in common with birds.  Answer they also have a heart with four chambers.
Do not take this for granted, it is not normal for other creatures

Worms have five hearts. I have no idea how many chambers. Reptiles usually have three chambers, but the crocodile  has four.   I have no more to say on that subject except to shake my head at how little I know. However I have learned that the smaller you are the faster your heart beats.

Bird facts:  (p m means per minute, but you knew that)
Domestic chicken 245 pm

Crow 345 pm House sparrow 460

Ruby Throated Humming Bird. 615

The heart of a large spider beats at 30 – 70 beats a minute, whereas a small spider heart can rise up to 200.    Why is this?

Now from small to gigantic.
Humpback whales grow to be about 52 feet (16 m) long, weigh 30-50 tons (27-45 tonnes).  Like us and birds, they have a four-chambered heart.  An average humpback whale heart weighs about as much as three average adult human beings.
The usual heart rate of large whales is from 10 to 30 beats per minute.  Scientist are still trying to figure out how  to monitor whale heart  rates.  (Me to)

Now for a talented heart.
The little brown Myotis bat has a slow heartbeat of 100-200  beats per minute. When they fly their heart beat is more  1000 beats per minute but when hibernating it’s drops to  five beats per minute.

The circulatory system of an octopus is closed and consists of one systemic heart, two bronchial hearts,two bronchial glands (gills) and blood vessels.
Is nothing simple?

The oldest known greeting card in existence, is a Valentine card  made in the 1400's and can be admired at the British Museum (London).  Commercial valentines were introduced in the 1800's.
In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names  from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.

This is an endless subject but leaving the science  out of it,  let your heart be filled with joy and appreciation for what you do have and take every opportunity to make the most of life.


3)  Sites for more information



From Donna L Watkins A Healing Moment Newsletter
Scientists have found a new link between emotions
and disease — people who are angry, hostile and
depressed have higher levels of a protein in their
blood that has been associated with heart disease.
Read more here:

4) Reader Feedback
I really do enjoy hearing from readers.
Thank you so much for taking the time to contact me.

Red Cross Site https://www.redcross.org/donate/donation-form.asp
5) Did You Know Quick Fact / Question
Which animal has four knees?
Answer at the bottom of the page.
6) Gifts and Goodies
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management site with exclusive articles, tips, quizzes,
discussion boards and much more. We teach you how to save!

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Michile Rayburn

If you are thinking of creating a crossword  for a school or
home project, family reunion this is what you need. 

Simply click the "Fund Free Mammograms" button at The Breast
Cancer Site ( http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/BCSreminderW )
to help provide free mammograms to underprivileged women.

Recommended Ezines and sites

If you are interested in writing this is a great site by  Mary Anne Hahn

Welcome to Linda Locke's....
Great articles, helpful information

Very good newsletter with an unsual way of
getting into the site.

Carols  Creative Home Computing site. Very helpful.
Lots of good information

The Homestead Store and More........
For a little bit of Alaska and a lot of the Northwest,
 drop by for a visit!

Stephany Harper  Sunny Days

Answer:  The Elephant

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