Did You Know?

March 2005 The Sun

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 1   Editorial
2   Feature Article The Sun
3   Sites for more information
4   Reader Feedback
5   Did you Know quick Fact / Question
6.  Goodies and Treats
7.  Contact and please subscribe information 
Welcome to all new subscribers. I hope you enjoy being amazed at so called everyday things, as you read the article presented each month.
Spring has arrived and summer will surely follow. Here on the wet West Coast, we look forward to long warm sunny days.  I for one am a sun bunny  and marvel at the change in plants as the days grow longer and warmer.   Seeds germinate and produce a riot of colour, fruits and vegetables. People think about bar be que parties,  special events take place in parks and public spaces, families register for campsites, book cruises and holidays.  All this activity because summer
is coming.  This led me to research the sun.  For those of us living in a land with four seasons, we do not take it for granted.  It changes our lifestyle and it truly is amazing that we are so affected by something that is 93 million miles away.
I look forward to receiving your suggestions for subjects to research.  Tell me what amazes you. 
Feature Article  The Sun
I take the word of the scientists who tell me the following facts.
It takes about eight minutes for the light from the sun to reach earth.
Overwhelming size.
If it was hollow, it could hold 1,300,000 Earths
Its mass is about 2 trillion, trillion, trillion tons.  Whatever can I relate that to.  If it were possible to clump all the planets together, the sun's mass would be 750 times larger than all the planets together.  That does not help.
Happy Birthday
The sun is 4.6 billion years old, with an expected lifetime of another 5 billion years  This really does make me feel infinitesimal and young.
The surface temperature of the sun is about 11,000 degrees fahrenheit. Core temperature about 27 million degrees fahrenheit (which is enough to sustain nuclear reactions).
Try to get your mind around this fact.
If the Sun was brighter, it would be hotter and would have burnt off its hydrogen fuel billions of years ago. This means that, if the Sun is any different to how it is now, life on Earth would not exist. It is the perfect  size, perfect age, perfect distance, perfect temperature and perfect brightness for life to exist on a planet like  Earth.
In the area above the Arctic Circle, the sun never sets from May until mid-July.
You can be a tourist and take part in a Midnight Sun Marathon.
Very unusual Hotel to get away from the sun.In Sweden you can stay at the Ice Hotel, complete with restaurants, theatre,  tours, entertainment, art galleries and ice sculptures.  The rooms are equipped with heavy duty sleeping bags.
In November, building starts on the unique Ice hotel and the official opening is in mid December. It is built from thousands of tons of snow and ice, and re-built every winter- This is an amazing place, but not my first choice for a summer holiday.
3)  Sites for more information
4) Reader Feedback
I really do enjoy hearing from readers. Thank you so much for taking the time
to contact me. I am pleased to intorduce two new subscribers.  I invite you to see what they are doing.
I congratulate Anthony for sticking with it and graduating from college.

My name is Anthony Smith I live in Hyattsville MD USA I grew up in Washingtony DC and graduate High School in 1993. After years of struggling I finally graduated
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We are practically neighbours Bill and I hope you do succed with your travel plans to visit every continent.
My name is Bill Preston and I'm 23 years old. I was born in Whitehorse, Yukon but now live in Kamloops, B.C.  I have just recently found interest in the Internet
and I'm trying to make a career out of it.  My biggest passion in life is hockey and I have played since I was three.
I also really enjoy travel and hope to one day set foot on every continent.  Other interests of mine include the outdoors, fitness, languages, the culinary arts, and music.
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5) Did You Know Quick Fact / Question
There is such a thing as an Out of Service police car. I saw one this week.
6) Gifts and Goodies
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