Did You Know?

April 2005 Orchids

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1   Editorial
2   Feature Article Orchids
3   Sites for more information
4   Reader Feedback
5   Did you Know quick Fact / Question
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Welcome to all new subscribers.
It is my hope that you read the articles and find something that amazes you, and perhaps encourages you to look at life around you and not take it for granted. Life is a gift, make the most of it every day.

I am working on a Did You Know web site. If I was in a race with a snail I would have been left behind ages ago.
I look forward to receiving your suggestions for subjects to research.  Tell me what amazes you.
Feature Article  Orchids
Did you Know 8 per cent of all flowering plants are orchids They the largest family of the plant kingdom with over 25,000 varieties, that have been named and many yet to be found. New orchid species are still being discovered at a rate of between 200 to 300 per year  Let us hope that their habitat is not destroyed before they are found.
Orchids grow in a wide range of habitats from the colder reaches of the sub-Arctic to the tropical forests of the Southern Hemisphere! They are found everywhere from the edges of deserts to humid rainforests and have a preference for tropical mountain ranges.
The first plants of each new species brought back to England fetched high prices. The largest amount ever recorded was in 1890 when $3,604.was paid for one orchid, that is equivalent to around $231,861 Cad. today!  Think of that when you buy your next orchid.
Orchids grow in three different ways.
Terrestrials grow on the ground, with their roots in the topmost layer of humus. Most orchids in this category are from temperate regions.
Epiphytic grow on other plants, although they are not parasitic.
Lithophytic grow in cracks in rocks.
Giant flowers
Paphiopedilum sanderianum has petals that are over one metre long.First discovered in 1885  in the steaming jungles of Borneo, Despite its extreme desirability the plant was not seen again until 1978 - almost a century later - by which time its very existence was in question. Comet orchid  is pollinated by a moth with a 30 cm tongoue.  If the moth disappears, so does the orchid.
Tiny flowers
Sometimes the whole flower is so tiny that only with a magnifier can the ndividual  parts be seen. The seeds are tiny and numerous, sometimes  millions sit in one
seed capsule, and are dispersed easily by the wind. However they lack their own food storage tissue and  depend on a fungi for initiating the growth process and growing. Both fungi and plant live in a beneficial symbiotic union.
The size of the whole plant ranges from a few cm (2”) to 3 m (over 9’) in height and that of the flower from a few mm (extremely tiny) to 15 cm (6”) on the other extreme.
Orchids truly are an amazing plant. Enjoy them where ever you see them.
3)  Sites for more information
Beautiful photos of some ugly flowers.

If you need someone to care for your orchid while you are away.
This is the site or you.    Sales and Boarding services California

Kew Gardens, England has a long history of research and
Beautiful photos of orchids in Ecudaor.
4) Reader Feedback
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Linda Offenheiser did a great job on re-writing the description of my newsletter. Her site is well worth a visit, plus she says nice things about Did You Know Newsletter.
She writes:
The article on the sun was astounding. I didn't know much of what you wrote. It's hard to imagine the size and temperature of the sun. You must have such fun researching these topics. I find your ezine very interesting and I thank you for providing so much information that I probably would never take the time to learn on my own. It's wonderful that you can combine this type of learning with your
work. You must be  a font of information!  Thanks again for a really interesting issue.
Linda has a great copywriting service and her ezine is geared to help readers learn how to write better sales copy.

My Name is Thomas Perry. I'm a real estate investor living in Georgia and New York. I stated investing in 1997 and have found it to be well worth my time. Investing has enabled me to travel the world and not have to be worried about rushing back home.
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Now many persons who buy my ebook also buy my business system so they can profit in their own city or state. When in business, the primary thing to remember is that you make money when you can help someone take care of a nagging problem. It doesn't matter whether it is foreclosure, divorce, probate or loss of a job. Just help them and the money will follow. Best wishes to all. Thomas
5) Did You Know Quick Fact / Question
Most of the world’s supply of natural vanilla comes from orchids grown in

Consider this. The total population on earth at the time of Julius Caesar was 150 million  The total population increase in two years on earth today is 150 million.  No wonder our beautiful planet is out of balance.
6) Gifts and Goodies
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