Did You Know?

June 2005 Mushrooms

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      Publisher, Evelyn Underwood
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1   Editorial
2   Feature Article Mushrooms
3   Sites for more information
4   Reader Feedback
5   Did you Know quick Fact / Question
6.  Goodies and Treats
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Our show on 5th June was considered a success.  It began raining at 8am and did not stop until 4.00pm.but the bands played on  and the exhibitors set up their booths.  We had many compliments, about the organization, quality  of exhibitors and the friendliness of all concerned.  The public stayed home, but we will host a show next year and keep our fingers crossed for sunshine. Summer has offically arrived and I struggle to be in the house.  I give credit to those newsletter editors who produce a newsletter once a week.  It requires a lot of time and energy. If you enjoy a newseltter that arrives in your mail box, let the writer know. It means a lot to get email from readers.  Enjoy Canada Day and Independence Day. I would like to hear from you about other national holidays.
A mushroom is an above-ground fruit.
Whether you like them or not, mushrooms play a role in your life.   You probably don’t think of them as a fungus, when you enjoy them in a salad, burger or soup, but that is what they are. Their  purpose is to disperse spores, microscopic single cells that can grow into new fungi.
Mushrooms are one of a group of plants that produce no chlorophyll. Unlike green plants and vegetables they don’t perform photosynthesis to make they own food, but get it from outside sources. Some fungi interconnect to a tree's microscopic root hairs, taking glucose in exchange for the minerals and water the fungus obtains from the soil. About 80% of trees depend on the  fungus that may also create plant hormones that stimulate the tree to grow  Great partnership.
Mushrooms and fungus are part of the decaying process. Imagine how the world would look if leaves did not break down every year. Every fall, we gather together great mountains of leaves and somehow they just disappear. Thank goodness.
Watch what you eat
Poisonous mushrooms contain at least two different types of toxins, each of which can cause death if taken in large enough quantities. Some of the toxins found in poisonous mushrooms are among the most potent ever discovered.
One group of poisons, known as amatoxins, blocks the production of DNA, the basis of cell reproduction. This leads to the death of many cells, especially those that reproduce frequently such as in the liver, intestines, and kidney. Other mushroom poisons affect the proteins needed for muscle contraction, and therefore reduce the ability of certain muscle groups to perform. 
You had better be well informed before you eat mushrooms.  Poison is a defense mechanism so that they are not eaten and destroyed.
50 species
The bulk of the crop in the United States is grown near Philadelphia. In Europe more than 50 species of mushrooms are marketed. Although mushrooms contain some protein and minerals, they are 90%  water and hence are of limited nutritional  value Mushroom hunters (How brave to hunt down an unarmed mushroom)
Currently, many species of mushrooms and fungi utilized as folk medicines for thousands of years are under intense study.for their  potential anti-cancer, anti-viral, and/or immunity-enhancement properties  We must take care of wild places, who knows what grows  there that may be  very useful to us.  In ancient times dried mushrooms were carried as fire starters.  I guess matches were not available.
They truly are part of the cycle of life.  More wood is destroyed each year by decay than by all the fires, floods, and termites combined! Commonly called rot, wood destroying fungi need three things to survive, air, water, and food.
Very large fungus
Found in the Malheur national forest in Oregon, a fungus covers 890 hectares (2,200 acres) - making it the largest living organism ever discovered.
The humble mushroom does more than make good soup.

3)  Sites for more information
There is actually a council for mushrooms   
http://www.mushroomcou ncil.org/
Site hosted by a Japanese individual who takes great photos  http://www.mushroomcouncil.org/
Of the 2000 indexed species of mushrooms, only about 50 are known to be poisonous.
4) Did You Know Quick Fact / Question
Mushrooms always grow in damp places and so they look like umbrellas."
5) Gifts and Goodies
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