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8.  I have a blog. Where I rant about long sales letters and being 
     treated like a half wit.      http://dyknewsletter.blogspot.com/
Welcome to all new subscribers.  Don't forget to send me your free ad and comments on this newsletter.
Summer has arrived, with glorious blue skies and warm summer evenings.   July 1st  is Canada day and the forecast is hot and sunny for the weekend.  That is good news for all the celebrations planned across the country.
Happy July 4th to all American readers. Please let me know about other national holidays from around the world.  How do you celebrate.?
My son Kevin  is just back from a week in Cuba and I look forward to dinner and an evening with him and Kyly to learn more about a country that does not have a democratically elected government.
A cougar ate our cat.
One of our cats and four others have gone missing  within a few days of each other and a patch of fur on a neighbours driveway was sent to the Conservation office.  This prompted an investigation and it seems we had a cougar in the neighbourhood.  No body has reported seeing it, but we do have a warning posted on our mailboxes.
I have always been delighted to see wildlife in our garden, deer, coyotes, bats, rabbits and even a skunk, but a cougar, well that is something else.  Time to keep the cats and small children indoors.
Today I picked raspberries from the garden, warm, fresh and delicous. Road side vendors have strawberries and cherries  soon to  follow apples, peaches, plums, pears and  blueberries.  What a great place to live. 
Once again the garden has provided the imspiration for an article.
I hope you enjoy reading about butterflies. Despite all our technology and science, we cannot turn a fat caterpiller into a beautiful flying jewel.
The dyk5.tripod site now has ads. across the top.  My apologies, I was too quick to downgrade the plan and have not yet found a web site hosting service that provides with with what I want.  
Send me your questions, tell me what you would like to see  growing on the garden web site
In doing research I went on line,  put in butterfly eggs and was directed to a fertility clinic. Who would have guessed that leap of logic.
I did learn that it is important for the right plants to be available to butterflies, we really must take care of the land if we want to enjoy these colourful flying jewels.
There are about 28,000 known butterfly species throughout the world

 Over 700 in N. America.  They have four stages of life
    • Egg
    • Lava – caterpillar
    • Pupa
    • Butterfly
Butterflies rely on particular plants to produce the next generation of their species.  If a caterpillar emerges on the wrong plant it will starve rather than eat the leaves around it.   Given the right conditions, when the caterpillar emerges it  is an eating machine and can grow  to 27,000 times the size it was when it first emerged from its egg? 
Compare that to our growth rate.
If a human baby weighed 9 pounds at birth and grew at the same rate
as a caterpillar, it would weigh 243,000 pounds when fully grown.
Amazing wax detail
Butterfly eggs consist of a hard-ridged outer layer of shell, lined with a thin coating of wax which prevents the egg from drying out before the larva has had time to fully develop. (How does a butterfly produce wax and know just where to put it?).
Each egg contains a number of tiny funnel-shaped openings at one end, their purpose is to allow sperm to enter and fertilize the egg.. In the larva stage, the egg hatches on the leaf and out comes a caterpillar.  In the pupa stage the caterpillar grows out of its skin, already wearing a new one. This phenomenon occurs four or five times, after which the caterpillar begins to produce silk. With this silk, it attaches its  body to a leaf or twig and then sheds its furry skin for the last time.

Under the skin is a hard form called chrysalis. The caterpillar's body turns to a soft liquid, from which the wings, legs and other body parts of the butterfly will form.
Six legs and Four wings
A newly emerged butterfly needs to spend some time 'inflating' its wings with blood and letting them dry, during which time it is extremely vulnerable to predators. 
No flying below 86 degrees.
Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees
No biting or chewing
Butterflies don't have mouths that allow them to bite or chew?
They, along with most moths have a long straw like structure called a proboscis which they use to drink nectar and juices. When not in use, the proboscis remains coiled like a garden hose
Radio Collars on butterflies?
Some butterflies live for more than a year and others live for just a few weeks. Most live their entire life in one small area, but there are several kinds that migrate. In winter, they fly south to warmer weather. They may fly hundreds or even thousands of miles. When spring comes, they fly back to their home!

Boggles my mind that something so delicate can fly vast distances, navigate and deal with the weather conditions.   I have no idea how  scientists  track butterflies, surely they don’t fit them with radio collars.
After bees, butterflies are the second largest group of pollinators So now you know a little about these amazing creatures.  Treasure  and protect them.  Do not use harmful sprays and don't worry about a few catterpillars in your garden, they will not be there for long.

Largest and smallest.
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing 30cm (1 ft.) wingspan
The Western Pygmy blue  wingspan of .62 inch (1.5 cm).
Pismo Beach Monarch Butterfly Grove California.
The butterflies form dense clusters with each one hanging with its wing down over the one below it to form a shingle effect. This provides shelter from the rain and warmth for the group. The weight of the cluster help keeps it from whipping in the wind and dislodging the butterflies.

Sir David Attenborough is now working with camera and sound techniques
that is giving scientists remarkable new insights into insect behaviour.
3 Did You Know Quick Fact / Question
Two things we cannot do at the same time
Breathe and swallow, or sneeze with our eyes open.
Why do  birds never sing on the ground-only when they are safely perched above it?
4 Reader Feedback
From Janet Caen
Your DID YOU KNOW newsletter never fails to entertain and delight me  and my family with fun information.  One of our favorites to date has been the photos spread of the egg to flight of the humming bird - that was amazing! THANK YOU for your hard work and getting all these wonderful details to us!!
http://NewGrandma.com offering ideas for vacations with the kids; low cost and free prescription resources;  Come visit your New Grandma
From Mary Rushing
Hi Evelyn,
You might change your mind about recommending 10-10-10 or whatever  fertilizer when you read the 2-page article at www.endowmentmed.org
- Go to the link 'common causes of all neurodegenerative diseases.'
Take care, Mary Rushing - LOVE this ezine!
From Alida Oenema
Loved the article about plastic/paper bags. For the past two years  ( what took me so long?) I've been buying cotton bags at Thrift Shops and the Dollar Store and have used them to bag my groceries and other shopping. Some cashiers think it's great but others frown when they see me come 'cause it means a little bit more work for them. So, I smile graciously and let them know that I want to reduce the plastic intake in my life.
Keep the newsletters coming. I'm still thinking about something you can research for me and make it an editorial. Bless you for your work and getting so many of us informed in a unique way!!!
From Coleen Tomjack
It's been very hot here, but we finally got some rain the past few days.  We are very grateful for it, as people were needing to sell  their cattle, as there is no feed in the pastures for them.
Enjoyed your newsletter, as always, I learn something new.  I can  tell that you put alot of time and effort into it.  It's always full of useful information. (Editor's note:  I think Coleen means trivia)
Work-At-Home-Weekly Ezine    http://www.work-at-home-weekly.com
Please do write to me, with ideas, suggestions and comments.
Please take the time to watch this short video about a form of breast cancer
that might not be common, but can be deadly due to lack of infomation
If you haven't already signed up to click daily to help provide free mamograms, please do so at this site. 

5 Gardening Section
Dead head your flowers, it will lengthen the time the plant  blooms.
Use Rocks or garden art to create some shade for delicate plants.
Do not water in the heat of the day.  Sun shining through a water droplet
can burn the leaves.  Run the hose directly to the base of the plant.
Sprinkers use massive  amounts of water and much of it evaporates.  Only
a small percent reaches the roots of plants.
Set hanging baskets in a big bowl when you water them.  Let them soak up the water instead of most of it running on to the ground below.
If you have not time to weed, at least pick off the flowers to prevent seeding the next crop.
Recycle pots.  Perhaps your local nursery could use them.   Offer them to
keen gardeners you know.

Why invent the wheel. http://eartheasy.com/homepage.htm has great
information from lawns to pesticides and produce.

Recommended Ezines and sites
Linda's newsletter is on  hold for the summer but her site Stress Free Copy
is well worth a look at if " You Positively Hate to Write!  Writing Drives You Crazy! You Can Never Find the Right Words!  You Just Don't have the Time for It!
Linda Gray
Gardening is fast becoming the world's number one hobby!
Our monthly ezine aims to sort out your gardening needs and join together with other creative gardeners across the planet!
Susan Nichols
Interactive Marketing Ezine
Carole offers Common Sense Solutions to Real Life Problems.
She loves to hear from readers.  Visit her site, browse and  let her know what you found interesting and useful.
Ryders Ranch   Julie has partnered with several web sites and provides a variety of useful ideas, mini-video demonstrations, audio sounds and information for  "Leisure Escapes at your home".  Take a look at her  current issue She has some good suggestions for  summer gardening 

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Tell me what amazes you and I will do the research.
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amazing facts and features of every day subjects we often take for granted.

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